Professional Development


In addition to what it does for students directly, METCO HQ also runs trainings, seminars, and other programs to for educators and administrators. Through these activites, we hope to equip all district staff with the skills they need to ensure that all students in a METCO district receive an inclusive, equitable, and anti-racist education.

Currently Recruiting:

METCO HQ Persuasive Communications Series

Talking about racial equity and integration is hard, and requires deep change for all parties.

METCO HQ and its Racial Equality & Integration (REI) Committee is partnering with Dr. Darnisa Amante-Jackson and Dr. Lee Teitel to offer practical skills in holding persuasive conversations.

These workshops are designed to help you:

  • Acquire necessary skills and tools to hold persuasive discussions with your peers
  • Navigate polarized environments
  • Have conversations about difficult topics like racial equity and inclusion
  • Take steps to further the mission and vision of METCO 2.0

Ongoing or Completed:

METCO HQ & Center for Restorative Justice, Suffolk University Trainings

Restorative justice is a process that creates a strong sense of trust and community over time, building group resilience and an atmosphere where vulnerability is welcome. This sense of trust plays a central role in the event that an offense has taken place within the community; the circle encourages vulnerable sharing where true reconciliation and healing can occur. We hope this training motivates, inspires, and empowers you to bring these practices into your district in order to help create a more welcoming, equitable, and inclusive environment for all students. Through restorative justice community building, we anticipate that there will be a reduction in disciplinary measures across districts and over time.

METCO 2.0 Committed Districts

The series will provide hands-on experiences in supporting METCO 2.0 goals.  Participants will engage -- with support-- in two cycles of a systemic equity focused improvement process.  The first will help the team focus on improving some aspects of a personal and team culture. The second will build on that experience to focus on another aspect of system improvement that can help move the district closer to its goals on the METCO 2.0 Maturity Scale