Impacts of the METCO Program: Longitudinal Research Reveal
Tufts University economics professor Dr. Elizabeth Setren has studied over 20 years of data on the impacts of the METCO program. In her first phase of research, Dr. Setren revealed significant findings among METCO program participants on MCAS scores, attendance, suspension, graduation, college-going, college graduation, employment, and earnings. Following Dr. Setren’s presentation, the audience heard from six METCO alumni with their reactions and experiences.
Meet the Researcher: Dr. Elizabeth Setren

Elizabeth Setren is the Gunnar Myrdal Assistant Professor of Economics at Tufts University. She received her Ph.D. in Economics from MIT. She was previously a postdoctoral fellow at the National Bureau of Economics Research (NBER) and an Assistant Economist at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. Her work focuses on education and labor economics and she teaches courses on inequality and econometrics. Learn more at her website.
Meet the METCO Alumni Panelists
METCO, Inc. and the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education generously shared data to conduct this research and provided invaluable insight into the METCO program which informed the research. This project was supported by the U.S. Institute for Education Sciences, The Boston Foundation, The Spencer Foundation, The Russell Sage Foundation, and Tufts University. Sara Ji, Savannah Kochinke, and Elizabeth Pancotti provided excellent research assistance.